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My Assessments

Client ID: 493
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You are done with the first form, Please continue with other forms for a complete analysis:

Prakriti Analysis(Fill the form)
Vikruti Analysis(Form already filled!!)
Mental Health Analysis(Form already filled!!)
Wellness Assessment(Form already filled!!)
Nutrition and Lifestyle Questionnaire(Form already filled!!)

Health Analysis Report

Prakriti Click here to fill the form and get the analysis

Common Vata Imbalances


Common Pitta Imbalances


Common Kapha Imbalances


Vata: 0 | Pitta: 0 | Kapha: 0

Guna My diet is:

I drink wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages:

When something seems to go wrong, I:
Feel agitated and impatient.

When I crave something, but I know it isn’t what I need in the moment, my ability to control my behavior is:
Good, I have amazing willpower.

Others would describe the way I speak as:
Lacking some umph

Cleanliness is:
I do a pretty good job. I take pretty good care of myself and manage to keep up with my space.

I would define my work as:
Being successful, and getting that promotion.

I’m happiest about life when:
Every aspect feels in balance. I am in the flow

I find myself feeling down and melancholy:
Sometimes, more often irritated or resentful

In my relationships, others consider me to be
Very generous with my love

When I am wronged, I forgive
It takes some time and energy, but I get there

My ability to focus on any one given task is
Sometimes I am able, and sometimes it is a challenge

A typical day for me looks like...
After a long night's sleep, I still feel tired. I’d spend most of my day in bed if I could!

My spiritual practice is a:
Rare occurance

I meditate
Almost never have time

Guna: Rajasic (Sat: 4 | Raj: 6 | Tam: 4)

Wellness Assessment Score Do you engage in regular physical activity or exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week?: Sometimes
Do you consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains?: Sometimes
Do you prioritize getting enough sleep, typically 7-9 hours per night?: Sometimes
Do you avoid or limit the consumption of sugary drinks and processed foods?: Yes
Do you actively manage and reduce stress through techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises?: No
Do you refrain from smoking cigarettes or using tobacco products?: Yes
Do you consume alcohol?: Never
How much alcohol do you consume?: I don't drink at all
Do you regularly engage in activities that promote mental well-being, such as hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing interests?: Yes
Do you undergo regular health check-ups and screenings as recommended by healthcare professionals?: Yes
Do you actively work to maintain a healthy body weight or body composition?: No

4 (Out of 10)

Nutrition and Lifestyle Assessment
Water Consumption:
1. When do you consume water throughout the day?:
2. How you drink water?:
3. Where do you prefer to store your water during summers?:
Dairy Products
4. Do you include dairy products in your diet?:
5. How ofen you include dairy products in your diet?:
6. Where do you usually get your milk from?:
7. What type of milk do you prefer?:
8. How quickly do you consume dairy products after purchasing them?:
Grains and Flour
9. What type of flour do you use for cooking?:
10. How long does your flour typically last?:
11. After making dough, how soon do you use it for cooking?:
Cooking Oils:
12. Which cooking oils do you use?:
13. Do you use desi ghee?:
14. If yes, how do you prefer to consume desi ghee?:
15. What kind of sweeteners do you use in your food and beverages?:
Beverage Consumption:
16. How often do you consume tea/coffee?:
17. At what times of the day do you usually drink tea/coffee?:
Salad and Fruit Consumption:
18. How often do you eat salads?:
19. In what portion sizes do you consume salads?:
20. How frequently do you consume fruits?:
21. At what times of the day do you usually eat fruits?:
Packaged/Fast Food and Drink Consumption:
22. How often do you consume packaged or fast food and drinks?:
23. Do you know about six tastes of food Items?:
24. Is your daily diet rich of all the six tastes?:
Note: If you dont know about the six tastes rich diet refer our recomendations later.
Status: Severe (Good: 0 | Bad: 0)

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View All AssessmentsBased on the responses you provided in our analysis form, here is a general overview and analysis of your mind and body according to Ayurveda. For more personalized and detailed information to improve your health, we recommend scheduling a consultation with us.

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