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HealMe Health Events

The first wealth is your health.

Upcoming Events

Discover the joy of a healthy lifestyle at our vibrant events. Join us for fun-filled activities that promote wellness and happiness

Our Previous Event Participants

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Last Event

September 2021 - Distance Challenge Closing Ceremony

Golden Words From
Our Previous Participants

Strava Club

Stay Fit, Cycle It!

Join HEAL ME Cycling Club and pedal towards a healthier you! Whether you’re new to cycling or a seasoned enthusiast, our aim is to inspire and support you in staying fit through cycling. Share your route map and cycling photos to track your progress and inspire others.

Our challenge, “Stay Fit, Cycle It,” encourages everyone to cycle consistently for 21 days, paving the way for a healthier lifestyle. At HealMe, we’re dedicated to nurturing both your physical and mental well-being, fostering happiness and contentment.

Additionally, we proudly support ASVCT in their charitable endeavors.

Strava Club

Fitness Freak

Join GOODNESS FUN RUN: Life at Your Pace! The Heal Me Fitness Freak Club is here to inspire all fitness enthusiasts to embrace a healthy lifestyle through running or walking. Share your activities with us and be part of our community dedicated to wellness.

At HealMe, we’re committed to nurturing your physical and mental well-being to bring happiness and contentment into your life. Join us in the challenge to run or walk for 21 days and take a step towards a healthier you.